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Taiyas A Bitch profile
Taiyas A Bitch
Taiyas A Bitch
Take a peek, I’ve got some tricks you might like to see.~

Subscription Tiers

per month

Get access to my main stuff! I’ll do mostly pictures and whatever I’m comfortable with, this will be mostly vanilla, maybe with some spice.

0 subscribers
per month
Super Coomer

You can DM me requests for pics and vids with mild kinks or less! This will be more spicy but theres no life without spice~

0 subscribers
per month
Bubblegum Father Figure

I will do practically anything you’d like, minus things like bloodplay, scat, or public scenarios, for obvious reasons. I have the power to veto, but I will try my best to sate your needs~

Limited (0 out of 5) subscriptions


  • Some kinky shit, if thats what youre into~
  • Buy it, and I’ll wear it!~
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