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MartyStar profile
I'm Marty. A guy with great imagination and interests and various fetishes who loves adventures and, in general, everything interesting.

Планы подписки

USD в месяц
Young Wrestler in the Shibari Trap

The wrestler has difficulty falling into the trap of a shibari master. ....He shouldn't have put on such a tight suit In this regard, with a fighter in a trap who really did not want to get there, these ropes will not let him go, he is readily excited about the fixation, this is strange

0 подписчиков
USD в месяц
Suit symbiote, now he's a superhero

Join to get full access This plan presents stories about how, as a simple guy, Marty ended up in a bad place and became a victim of a strange substance, a suit that completely absorbed his body, and he became a superhero, emu does not like it very much, because this suit does not quite good with Marty things to the content

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USD в месяц
Red and hot cyclist

This set features a day in the life of a cyclist in a red, tight-fitting suit. He rolls and gets aroused by the rubbing of his gear

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USD в месяц
At the mercy of treacherous ropes

The guy fell into a trap from the ropes that attacked him, which enveloped his body in an interesting pattern, fettered him so that now he cannot get out of this trap, she is very smart and controls her victim, it will probably be interesting, watch the video. P. S. The number of places for this plan is limited

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USD в месяц
A jerk in a leather lock

The photographer said not to move. But what about the model if a sudden junk gets into the photo? Very uncomfortable situation

0 подписчиков
USD в месяц
Aesthetics of white legs of a sporty guy

This sporty guy in snow-white tight-fitting pants is very eye-catching, with his aesthetic contours of his body, I wonder what he feels

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USD в месяц
Catch my smile, I'm throwing ...

Look how playful this guy is, he was carried away by his ball game that smiles, but those who catch the ball are distracted by the server's feet, because his tight-fitting trousers are very thin and some details are visible

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USD в месяц
Strange wrestling suit

Marty did not suspect that creating a set of photos in a wrestler's suit would transform him so much, and show on the other hand his bulge, which had a very clear outline under the suit

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USD в месяц
Triathletic excitement

This set contains the showy cock of a guy in a triathlete's suit who got horny so unexpectedly

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USD в месяц
Distracting excitement

Doing something you never know what might happen, our hero found that he was excited and it bothers him and strains him. You can find out the reason yourself by looking at this set.

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USD в месяц
Unexpected excitement in the shower

it was so unexpected, he got excited and began to bulge out insolently under his clothes, she was enlightened and you could see how he throbbed

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1 подписчик
11 постов


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This kind of support will allow me to devote more time to you cool guys, create awesome content for you to enjoy, it's very cool

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